Session II - Situational Awareness and other vegetables

Areana: DA

Players in group: 4 (one is declared CO that will run the session)

Each group will use it's own txt (cross-country channels 241-249) to comunicate between the pairs and each pair will have a private VOX/text channel (141-149 country-only channels).
One pair is chosen to play the bandits and defects to the other country.
All use the same plane and loadout. best to choose an AC all are familiar with ( E fighters are preferable).
We use the small islands where each quadruplet gets one island.
On CO's que, the pair takeoff  and ONLY ONE of the bandits. The second bandit will wait on the runway till the first's icon disapears and only then takes off.
Max alt till merge is 2k above field alt for the pair AND 1st bandit. 2nd bandit has no alt cap.

Pair breifing:
Pair is not allowed to climb above it's initial max alt till the merge.
First goal of the pair is to defend each other!
This session is about offense and SA. Try to take out the first bandit before the second one joins - you only have about 2-3 moves to do it. Also while doing this keep an eye out for the second bandit and be ready for him.

In order to set yourself up for a quick kill try doing something like a "bracket attack". The trick is to arrive spread wide enough (around d1.0) and turn into the bandit in time - you'll be co-E so you have to cut it's way or you'll not caych him! This means you have to start turning BEFORE the merge and point ahead of the bandit (turn till he's on your 1 oclock).

Remember the general guidlines

link to a flash animation of a bracket attack (thx to Jaye) - This show the more common case in which the bandit merges with one of the pair and the other closes on the bandits 3/9 oclock. Notice the second wingman (the top one) is starting to turn at point #2 before the merge and when it's clear the bandit is about to merge with the bottom wingman.

We fight it out till one of the "end conditions" apply. This is 2vs2 - last man standint wins!

Bandits breifing:
Your mission is to shoot down the pair!
Remember - only one of you takes off with the pair, the other waits on the runway till 1st is out of icon range and only then takes off.

The first will start a 2vs1 with the pair. Try to hold on long enough for your wingman to arrive - keep reporting him of your situation so he'll know if he needs more alt (no alt cap for him) or he should hurry and help you. While you're at it, try to drain the E of the pair so your wingman will arrive to BnZ them.

The second bandit has no alt cap! climb as much as you need to arrive with some advantage, but remember it takes time and your wingman is getting ganged! The choise is yours to make according to what your wingman says his situation is.

End conditions:
Fight ends if one of the following happens:
1. Both of the same team are down.
* when any of these apply, all auger and CO will run 1-2 min debrief.

We make 2 fights with the same pairs and same parts (the bandit pair can switch 1st and 2nd parts).
Then pair and bandits switch parts and have 2 more fights.
Mix the pairs and continue as time allows.

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