Session I - Pair Mutual Defence and Coordination

Areana: DA

Players in group: 3 (one is declared CO that will run the session)

Each trio will use it's own txt (cross-country channels 241-249) and VOX channel (141-149 country-only channels).
One is chosen to play the bandit and defects to the other country. all use the same plane and loadout. best to choose an AC all are familiar with (for this session E fighters are preferable).
We use the small islands where each trio gets one island (we can work in 2*trio on the same island deviding it E-W).
On CO's que, bandit and pair takeoff - pair will climb 2k above field alt, bandit will climb at least 6k above field alt but he has no max alt.

Pair breifing:
Pair is not allowed to climb above it's initial max alt till bandit's first attack.
First goal of the pair is to defend each other - being able to keep an eye on the bandit and on the condition of the wingman. Your best chances are to fly side by side and clearing each other sixes. When the bandit swoops down on one of the pair, try to start breaking away from your wingman. If the bandit tries to saddle-up, break toward you wingman and infront of him and then the free wingman will try to get behind in a "weaving" motion. If he goes vertical the free wingman can go for a snapshot.
Another option is to continue breaking away from the wingman. If the bandit is setting a lag persuit you got him in a sandwitch.

Keep comunicating with your wingman - tell him what the bandit is doing and what you are doing even if it seems like he knows it. Tell him if you lost sight of him or the bandit.

If you are the attacked one - try to drain as much energy out of the bandit. By making the bandit dive steeply in order to point at you, you force him to either "long low extend" or pull up for the zoom and loose more E during the pullout. While in 1on1 the split-S is a bad defensive move, here it's actually usefull.

Remember the general guidlines

link to a flash animation of the weave (thx to Jaye)

We fight it out till one of the "end conditions" apply. Meaning: if any of the pair is down - THE PAIR LOST!

Bandit breifing:
Your mission to to train the pair!
Try holding to your E advantage as long as possible, the point of this training is to keep the pair on defence, so don't let them suck you into a turning fight.
Don't dive on them HO.
Try "extending" but do not run away. If they sucked your E, fight it out like a man :) this is training.

End conditions:
Fight ends if one of the following happens:
1. ONE of the trio is down. DO NOT waste time on 1vs1.
2. the PAIR is out of ammo.
3. fight takes more than 3 min from the merge.
* when any of these apply, all auger and CO will run 1-2 min debrief.

We make 2 fights for every configuration before changing parts. this way every pair can try to improve imediatly what they had learned. All in all it's 6 fights.
In case we have a group of 4, we'll have one watcher (can join with one of the flyers) and he'll switch with the bandit of the first fight, and so on when ever players change parts.

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